How will The Ministry work?

I have spent a great deal of time considering The Ministry - the vision for its evolution includes at least two parts:

Ministry Aroha

Ministry Aroha is the first reason for this spiritual movement to exist. It involves seeking growth through promoting non-violence within ourselves, within our spheres of influence and within our cultures. This ministry acknowledges that spiritual and societal growth are not possible without a central tenet of non-violence.

Therapy Aroha

Therapy Aroha is the more specific part of our work, where we focus on increasing empathy, compassion, kindness and aroha for those already in the movement. These efforts are for our members who want to grow in the principles, insights and feelings which are central to The Ministry. On one level, this could be considered the “therapeutic” part of our movement, but it is something much more than that - a quest for continued spiritual growth in aroha.

Our Efforts

Ministry Aroha is more of an outreach effort and Therapy Aroha is more of an individual and community-building focus. All of our efforts are spiritual in nature, so use of secular terms like “therapeutic” are not completely accurate, but serve as a basis for continuing conversation.

Join Us

If you believe that all sentient life should be respected, you live a vegan life, and you want to join us, you will see a button to join us on each page of this site. Our initial work will be developing The Ministry and we would love to have the input and insights of other non-violent people in our movement. We look forward to welcoming you!

May all beings know peace!

Aroha nui,

Gerald Tūruapō Jordan, MBA, MEd, MCouns

The Ministry

Our mission is to help create a more empathic, compassionate and kind world through spiritual renewal.