We Will Not Cease

A Life of Pacifism

I am fascinated by Archibald Baxter’s life. As a fellow pacifist, it is amazing to see his stance against the organised violence of the New Zealand Government. As an undergraduate theology major, I found myself confused by the inconsistency of those who proclaimed religion, while at the same time promoting the military. There were other theology majors who were paying their way through university by serving in the military and I remember having conversations with a few of these fellows, trying to understand how they reconciled the proposed peaceful aspects of their religion with being part of the war machine. I never heard anything but mental gymnastics in relation to these queries.

Knowing it was Wrong

I became quite desperate at one point in my studies and looked into the chaplain option, but I couldn’t follow through with such inconsistency. One fellow attempted to get me to sign up, asking what I would do if someone was going to kill my mother. These emotive arguments come to the front when their other arguments are not accepted. I got as far as taking a physical exam and then walking out of the building. I was desperate for money for university, but not that desperate. I should say that I thought I was desperate - things have a way of working out.

A Statement

War is never the right course of action. War is the ultimate failure of civilisation. The “enemy” is always made out to be less than human, while we are in the right. The poor and vulnerable go to war to line the pockets of the wealthy and otherwise powerful. Soldiers are like the animals we keep in cages - a means to an end that does not benefit them.


“As long as there are abattoirs there will always be battlefields.” ~Leo Tolstoy, What I Believe

As long as we slaughter innocent beings, we will be at war with ourselves and others. Don’t be part of either exploiting our human brothers and sisters or other beings. While you might think it is you doing the exploiting, ultimately it is you being exploited. Open your heart to kindness and compassion.

May all beings know peace!

Aroha nui,

Gerald Tūruapō Jordan, MBA, MEd, MCouns

The Ministry

Our mission is to help create a more empathic, compassionate and kind world through spiritual renewal.