
“As long as there are abattoirs there will always be battlefields.” (Leo Tolstoy)

Our Mission

Our mission is to help create a more empathic, compassionate and kind world through spiritual renewal.

Our Minister

Gerald Tūruapō Jordan started The Ministry after years of searching for a religious tradition that emphasised non-violence (non-violence must include all beings, or else it is just another type of discrimination). Tūruapō completed a Bachelor of Arts in religion (Applied Ministry) and then spent decades meditating, exploring various religious and philosophical traditions, travelling, studying in other areas, working across multiple organisations and raising his son in The Land of the Long White Cloud.

What Non-Violence Means to us

Non-violence includes veganism, but is even broader than this. It includes opposition to state-sanctioned murder (capital punishment), opposition to war in all forms and any other forms of physical and mental violence enacted upon another sentient being.

Our Work

We focus on creating online content - text, podcasts, etc - and upon building a community of those who share in the vision of spiritual growth through non-violence.

The Ministry

Our mission is to help create a more empathic, compassionate and kind world through spiritual renewal.